Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Analysis of TMJ Surgery Outcomes, Complications

Using information from hundreds of cases, an analysis of outcomes is being carried out to examine ways of mitigating complications related to TMJ surgery.

Site: San Francisco VA Medical Center
Faculty: Rebeka Silva, DMD, FACD
Contact information: [email protected]

Biomolecular Characterization of TMJ using single cell Transcriptomics and Advanced Microscopy

Discarded TMJ specimens are analyzed to elucidate expression of multiple genes involved in inflammation and degeneration.

Site: San Francisco VA Medical Center
Faculty: Rebeka Silva, DMD, FACD
Contact information: [email protected]

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease of the temporomandibular joint - diagnosis and treatment

Site: Highland Hospital
Faculty: Ricardo Lugo, DDS, MD
Contact information: [email protected]

Myofascial Pain

Site: San Francisco VA Medical Center
Faculty: Stephen Connelly, DDS, MD, PhD
Contact information: [email protected]

Techniques for reducing the dislocated TMJ for the emergency room physician

Site: Highland Hospital
Faculty: Akshay Govind, DMD, MD, MPH
Contact information: [email protected]

TMJ Imaging Techniques

Site: San Francisco VA Medical Center
Faculty: Stephen Connelly, DDS, MD, PhD
Contact information: [email protected]